ManpowerSpetsnaz, Airborne, Guards Spetsnaz, VDV airborne, army soldiers, sailors, pilots, ground crews, conscripts, supply drivers, train crews, embedded media crews, logistics526,3106,700
Senior Military OfficersLieutenant, Captains, Major, Colonel5,7100
Top GeneralsMajor General, Lieutenant General, Admiral320
High-value missilesS-400 SAM320
Main Battle TanksT-55, T-60, T-62M, T-62MV, T-64A, T-64BV, T-72A, T-72B, T-72BA, T-72B3, T-80BV, T-80U, T-80BVM, T-90A, and T-90M7,956650
Armored VehiclesBMP-1(P), BMP-1AM, BMP-2(K), BMP-2M Berezhok, BMP-3, BMD-2, BMD-4M, BTR-82A(M), BTR-80, BTR-80/BTR-82A, BTR-D, and BTR-MDM Rakushka14,786640
Anti-tank vehicles9P148 Konkurs, 9P149 Shturm-S, and 9P163M-1 Kornet-T787 
Artillery (towed, self-propelled)2B9 mortar, MT-12 anti-tank gun, 2B16 Nona-K gun mortar, D-30 howitzer, D-20 gun-howitzer, 2A65 Msta-B howitzer, and 2A36 Giatsint-B field-gun, 2S9 Nona, 2S1 Gvozdika, 2S3(M) Akatsiya, 2S5 Giatsint-S, 2S19 Msta-S, 2S33 Msta-SM2, and 2S4 Tyulpan,12,9920
Anti-aircraft gunZU-23-2, BTR-ZD Skrezhet, ZSU-23-4 Shilka, and 2K22M1 Tunguska.3797 18
Mine Resistance Ambush Protected Vehicle VPK-7829, Typhoon 122125
Infantry Fighting Vehicles BMP-1, BMP-2, BMP-3, Kurganets-255218599
Multiple Launch Rocket SystemsBM-21 Grad, BM-27 Uragan, 2B17 Tornado-G, and TOS-1A.1,5450
Air Defense System9K33 Osa, 9K35 Strela-10, 9A310M1-2 TELAR, 9A331M TLAR, Pantsir-S1, 5P85SD/SM, TOR, Buk, Pantsir, S-300 and S-4001,64523
Fighter Jets and aircraftSu-24, Su-35, Su-30SM, Su-30, Su-27, Su-25, MiG-31, Tu-95MS, L-59, Yak-1303560
Airborne Command Post Tu-22, Mi-8470
Early Warning Aircraft Beriev A-5040
EW VehiclesBMP-1KSh, R-145BM1, R-149MA1, R-149MA3, R-149AKSh-1, R-166-0.5470
Radars1V13(M), 1V14, 1V119, 9T452, PODLET, Nebo-M, Nebo-SVU1650
HelicoptersMi-8MTPR-1,Mi-8, Mi-17, Mi-17SH, Mi-24, Mi-28, Mi-35, Ka-524351
DronesOrlan-10, Granat-4, Eleron-3, ZALA 421-16Е, Supercam S350, Shehed-136, Mahajer-6, DJI,10,4140
Cruise MissilesKalibr, Kh-55, Kh-101, Kh-31, Kh-35, P-3539000
Ballistic MissilesIskandar Family3700
Air-launched missilesKh-47M2 Kinzhal, R-73, R-77, R-277100
Air-launched bombsFAB-250, FAB-500, KAB-500Kr, FAB-1500M-54 bomb (1 used against Kherson dam), KAB-500, PBK-500U Drel97240
Cluster bombs9N123, 9M27K, 9M55K (Tochka, Uragan, BM-30 Smerch launch platform)65000
WarshipMoskva, Makarov, Raptor-class patrol boats, Serna-class landing craft, Natya-class minesweeper, Tapir-class landing ship, small boats350
Transport VehiclesGAZ-66, ZiL-131, 9T244 transloader, Ural-4320, Ural-4320 tanker, Ural-43206, Ural Federal, KamAZ 4×4, KamAZ 6×6, KamAZ 6×6 tanker, KamAZ with MM-501 armoured cabin, UAZ-469 jeep, and UAZ-452 van.17,110150
Special VehiclesBRDM-2, MT-LB, MT-LBVM and MT-LBVMK, MT-LB with ZU-23 AA gun, and MT-LBu2,8750
Submarine Improved Kilo Class Rostov-na-Donu1 
Artillery and tank shells 155mm, 105mm, 125mm5,710,000 
Munitions Missiles, Rockets, Bullets, BombsUnknown0

A list of major infrastructure destroyed

BridgeKerson Bridge, Kerch Bridge, Donetsk71
Oil RefineriesOil refineries155
military’s major maintenance hubSevastopol, Donetsk, Donbas, Belgorod, Moscow, Crimea4525
ShipyardSevastopol 1
Rail TransportChina-Russia Rail Link, Belarus to Ukraine Rail Link, Russia-Belarus Rail link41
Gas TerminalRussian second-largest LNG terminal, Oil depots, oil refinery 391
AirportsCrimea, Moscow, Belgorod, St Petersberg4
Aircraft factorySu-27 factory , Mi-8 factory, Su-75 factory3
Missile FactoryKh-59, Kalibr, Iskander missile component factory, Pantsir, Kornet821
Electronics factoryMissile component factory156
Drone factoryShahed-136 drone factory1
Ammo Factory8
  • The estimated financial value of the destroyed infrastructure is $450 billion.
  • The estimated financial value of the destroyed equipment is US$385 billion.
  • The estimated cost to train military personnel such as sailors, troops, special forces, airborne pilots, civilian contracts and ground crews is $150 billion.
  • The dollar value of Russia’s reputation as an arms exporter cannot be estimated. Still, it took Russia eighty years to establish itself as such, and global arms markets for Russian products are ruined.
  • Russian dead soldier’s lives cannot be estimated in dollar values.

Revision History

  • 27 November, 2023
  • 30 November, 2023
  • 2 December, 2023
  • 4 December, 2023
  • 23 January, 2024
  • 29 February, 2024
  • 08 April, 2024
  • 29 April, 2024
  • 25 May, 2024
  • 16 June, 2024
